Name:MohamedElsayed Moustafa Saad
ResearchDirection:Area of combust
I'mMohamed Elsayed Moustafa, a Research/Teaching Assistant at the MechanicalEngineering Department, Zagazig University, Egypt. I am from Egypt and I wasborn on 17th September 1988. I graduated in 2010 with"Excellent with Honors" from Zagazig University with a specializationin Mechanical Engineering. I ranked 1st on my graduation classbetween 235 students and was selected by the faculty for appointment as aTeaching Assistant while pursuing my master's degree in Mechanical Engineering.
2016.9-upto now: PhD student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
2015.1: Masterof Science in Mechanical Power Engineering from Zagazig University, Zagazig,Egypt.
2010.5: Bachelorof Science in Mechanical Power Engineering, with Honor (GPA 85.75/100), ZagazigUniversity, Zagazig, Egypt.
2010.9– 2016. 9: Teaching and Research Assistant at Department of MechanicalPower Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.
Taughtsome basic courses in mechanical engineering (Thermodynamics, FluidMechanics, Thermo-fluid, and Heat Transfer). Taught some appliedcourses in mechanical engineering (Internal Combustion Engines and PowerPlants). Planned tutorial and lab sessions, graded papers and exams, anddesigned oral exams.
2015.1– 2016.9: Worked as a member of the clean combustion and explosionresearch group under the leadership of Professor Saad A. Elsayed. I had workedin a project studying the feasibility of using different types of agriculturalresidues (chips, powders and pellets). We are working on famous types ofagricultural residues in Egypt like (rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, cottonstalks, mango leaves and rice straw).
2014.1– 2016.9: Assistant in supervision of Zagazig University Formula Student(ZUFS) team that participates in the most established Europe's Formula Student(FS) educational Motorsport competition, run by the Institution of MechanicalEngineers. I accompanied the team in traveling to the UK to participate in theFormula Student educational Motorsport competition, which was held on 9-12July 2015 at Silverstone Racing Circuit, UK.
2010.9 – 2015.12: Mentored manyundergraduate students in Mechanical Power Engineering in their mini projectsof ICE course. I helped them in the search, preparation and writing the report.
2010.9– 2010.12: The study was about different types of engines as (Gasolinehybrid car, fuel cell car, Formula one racing car, Rotary engine, biodieselcar, hydrogen car and natural gas car.
2011.9– 2011.12: Design of internal combustion engine components (studying forceand stress analysis) as (piston design, connecting rod design, camshaft design,crankshaft design, etc.)
2012.9– 2012.12: Internal combustion engine model by making a suitable sectionon different types of engines as (single overhead camshaft, double overheadcamshaft, side camshaft, two stroke engine, turbocharger and rotary engine).Working model for cooling system simulation, ignition circuit and turbocharger.
2013.9– 2013.12: Buying and running of the two real engines in the combustionlab, one of them is the gasoline engine and the other one is diesel.
2014.9– 2014.12: Studying the performance of gasoline and diesel engine by usinghydraulic brake on the flywheel and different measurement devices on theengines as thermocouples, flow meter and piezoelectric pressure sensor and soon.
2015.9– 2015.12: Collecting data about Ignition system in SIE using electronicignition circuit, cooling system, lubrication system, Intake and exhaustsystem, injection, bearing, power transmission system, Electronic Control Unit“ECU”, measurements in Internal combustion engines and different types ofcombustion chambers. Also design of the crank shaft and connecting rod of afour cylinder inline engine and a six cylinder V-engine.
I. Saad A. El-Sayedand Mohamed E. Mostafa, Estimation of thermal and kinetic parameters ofsugarcane bagasse and cotton stalks dust layers from hot surface ignitiontests, Combustion Science and Technology 188 (2016) 1655–1673. (SCI)
II. Saad A. El-Sayedand Mohamed E. Mostafa, Kinetic Parameters Determination of BiomassPyrolysis Fuels Using TGA and DTA Techniques, Waste and Biomass Valorization 6(2015) 401–415. (SCI)
III. Saad A. El-Sayedand Mohamed E. Mostafa, Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetic parametersdetermination of biomass fuel powders by differential thermal gravimetricanalysis (TGA/DTG), Energy Conversion and Management 85 (2014) 165–172. (SCI)
IV. Saad A. El-Sayedand Mohamed E. Mostafa, Analysis of grain size statistic and particle sizedistribution of biomass powders, Waste and Biomass Valorization 5 (2014)1005–1018. (SCI)
I. Saad A.El-Sayed and Mohamed E. Mostafa, Thermal Degradation and KineticParameters Estimation of Most Famous Egyptian Mango Leaves Using TG/DTGAnalysis, (Submitted for publication).
II. Saad A.El-Sayed and Mohamed E. Mostafa, Combustion and emissions characteristicsof Egyptian sugarcane bagasse and cotton stalks powders in a pilot-scalebubbling fluidized bed combustor, (Submitted for publication).
III. Saad A.El-Sayed, Tarek M. Khass, and Mohamed E. Mostafa, Thermo-physical andkinetics parameters determination and gases emissions of self-ignition ofsieved rice husk of different sizes on a hot surface, (Submitted forpublication).