Name: Weerawut Chaiwat
Personal brief introduction:
Dr. Weerawut Chaiwat is a scientist fromThailand who received funding from the International outstanding youth program.It aims to implement the One Belt And One Road action plan on scientific andtechnological innovation and promote scientific, technological and culturalexchanges between China and other developing countries. He completed his PhD inchemical engineering at Kyoto university and returned to Thailand as aprofessor of environmental engineering and management at the school ofinterdisciplinary studies at the kanacamuri campus of Mahidol university.
Dr. Weerawut Chaiwat will access tocommunication with ICCST for a year. He will work with the Chinese researchteam on a joint research and development project aimed at clean and high-valueuse of tropical agricultural and forestry waste.
姓名:Weerawut Chaiwat
Weerawut Chaiwat博士来自泰国,获得了国际杰青计划的资助,该计划旨在落实“一带一路”科技创新行动计划,促进中国同其他发展中国家的科技人文交流。他在日本京都大学攻读了化学工程博士学位,随后回泰国在Mahidol大学卡纳昌布里校区跨学科研究学院任教授,负责环境工程与管理项目。
Weerawut Chaiwat博士将来ICCST访问交流一年, 他将与中方研究团队针对热带农林废弃物的清洁高值化利用开展联合研发。