江龙,男,博士,讲师。2013年11月毕业于华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室,获热能工程博士学位,后留室从事博士后研究工作至 2017 年 2 月。2017年3月至2019年8月在沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学从事博士后研究,2019年9月入职华中科技大学工作。主要研究方向为生物质废弃物高效洁净转化制氢、制生物燃料。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金和中国博士后科学基金各 1 项,校企合作项目多项。
目前发表国内外期刊论文近40篇,H 指数 14,其中第一通讯作者论文 17 篇(SCI 收录 13 篇, EI 收录 17 篇, SCI 引用 300 余次),授权国家发明专利 6 项。担任 Green Chemistry, Bioresource technology, Fuel 等 10 余个国际期刊审稿人。
2.中国博士后科学基金(No.2014M552038):农业生物质气化内在AAEMs 释放及催化机制研究、2014/03-2015/12、主持
1. Long Jiang, Song Hu, Yi Wang et al. Catalytic effects of inherent alkali and alkalineearth metallic species on steam gasification of biomass. International Journalof Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(45): 15460–15469. (SCI A, IF: 3.313)
2. Song Hu, LongJiang*, Yi Wang et al. Effects of inherent alkali and alkaline earthmetallic species on yield and property of biomass pyrolysis products.Bioresource Technology, 2015, 192, 23-30. (SCI A, IF: 4.494)
3. Long Jiang, Song Hu, Lunshi Sun et al. Influence of different demineralizationpretreatment on physicochemical structure and thermal degradation of biomass.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 146: 254–260. (SCI A, IF: 4.494)
4. Long Jiang, Song Hu, Jun Xiang et al. Release characteristics of alkali and alkalineearth metallic species during biomass pyrolysis and steam gasification process.Bioresource Technology, 2012, 116: 278-284. (SCI A; IF: 4.494)
5. Long Jiang, Song Hu, Syed Shatir A. Syed-Hassan et al. Performance and carbonationkinetics of modified CaO-based sorbents derived from different precursors inmultiple CO2 capture cycles. Energy Fuel, accept.
6. Long Jiang, Song Hu, Kai Xu et al. Formation, fates and roles of catalytic precursorsgenerated from the K2CO3–carbon interactions in the K2CO3–catalyzedCO2 gasification of coal char. Journal of Analytical and AppliedPyrolysis, accept.
7. Hengda Han, Song Hu, Chaofeng Lu, Yi Wang, Long Jiang, Jun Xiang, Sheng Su.Inhibitory effects of CaO/Fe2O3 on arsenic emissionduring sewage sludge pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 218: 134-139.
8. Jun Xu, Sheng Su, , Zhijun Sun, Mengxia Qing, ZheXiong, Yi Wang, Long Jiang,Song Hu, Jun Xiang. Effects of steam and CO2 on the characteristics of charsduring devolatilization in oxy-steam combustion process. Applied Energy, 2016,182: 20-28.
9. Chao Shuai, Song Hu, Limo He, Jun Xiang, Sheng Su,Lushi Sun, Long Jiang, YiWang. Performance of CaO for phenol steam reforming and water-gas shiftreaction impacted by carbonation process. International Journal of HydrogenEnergy, 2015, 40(39): 13314-13322.
10. Chao Shuai, Song Hu, Limo He, Jun Xiang, Lushi Sun,Sheng Su, Long Jiang, QindongChen. The synergistic effect of Ca(OH)2 on the process of lignite steamgasification to produce hydrogen-rich gas. International Journal of HydrogenEnergy, 2014, 39(28): 15506-15516.
11. Kai Xu, Song Hu, Sheng Su, Chaofen Xu, Lushi Sun,Chao Shuai, Long Jiang, JunXiang. Study on Char Surface Active Sites and Their Relationship to GasificationReactivity. Energy Fuel, 2013, 27 (1): 118-125.
12. Peng Fu, Song Hu, Jun Xiang, Peisheng Li, DanHuang, Long Jiang, AnchaoZhang, Junying Zhang. FTIR study of pyrolysis products evolving from typicalagricultural residues. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2010,88(2): 117-123.
13. 江龙,胡松,孙路石,苏胜,徐朝芬,许凯,向军. 农林废弃物水蒸气催化气化动力学研究.太阳能学报, 2015, 36 (1): 243-250. (EI)
14. 江龙, 黄丹, 胡松, 徐博洋, 苏胜, 孙路石, 向军. 谷壳热解/水蒸汽气化焦油析出特性研究. 太阳能学报, 2014, 12 (35): 2553-2558. (EI)
15. 江龙,张安超,胡松,苏胜,孙路石,许凯,姚瑶,向军. 典型农业废弃物焦气化特性研究. 工程热物理学报, 2013, 34(6):1161-1165. (EI)
16. 江龙,胡松,宋尧,杨涛,黄丹,向军,陈刚. 生物质快速热解特性研究[J]. 太阳能学报,2011,32(12):1735-1739. (EI)
17. 付鹏,胡松,向军,孙路石,张安超,杨涛,江龙. 生物质颗粒孔隙结构在热解过程中的变化[J]. 化工学报, 2009, (60)7: 1793-1799. (EI)
18. Yi Wang, LongJiang*, Song Hu et al. Structural evolution and catalytic activity ofchar-supported iron catalyst prepared under different temperature and reactiveatmosphere for steam reform of bio-oil. Bioresource Technology, under review.
19. Limo He, Song Hu, Long Jiang*, Syed Shatir A. Syed-Hassan, Yi Wang, Sheng Su,Jun Xiang. Self-growth carbon nanotubes and their promoting effect on catalyticreforming of toluene over Ni/α-Al2O3 catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal,under review.
20. Liangping Zhang, Song Hu, Qindong Chen, Lingfeng Xiao, Syed Shatir A. Syed-Hassan, LongJiang, Yi Wang, Sheng Su, Jun Xiang. Molecular structurecharacterization of the tetrahydrofuran - microwave - extractedportions from three Chinese low-rank coals. Fuel, with minor revision.
1. Jiang Long, Hu Song, Sun Lushi et al. Dual catalyticeffects of inherent alkali and alkaline earth metallic species on biomassgasification process. 5th international symposium on energy frombiomass and waste, 2014, Venice, Italy. (Oral Report)
2. Jiang Long, Hu Song, He Li-mo et al. Evolutioncharacteristics of inherent AAEMs in typical Chinese biomass fuel duringthermal utilization processes. 2013 Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coaland Biomass Utilization Technologies, 2013, Wuhan, China. (Oral Report)
3. 江龙,胡松,孙路石,苏胜,宋尧,何立模,向军. 不同淋洗方式对谷壳热解及气化产物特性影响研究. 中国工程热物理学术年会,2013,重庆.
4. 江龙,胡松,苏胜,孙路石,许凯,姚瑶,向军. 典型农业废弃物焦气化特性研究. 中国工程热物理学术年会,2012,北京. (口头报告)
1. 国家发明专利:胡松, 徐博洋, 汪一, 向军, 苏胜, 江龙, 孙路石, 何立模. 富氧燃烧锅炉低温烟气制取生物质高热值气化气的系统. 专利申请号:201510022061.2.
2. 国家发明专利:胡松, 徐博洋, 汪一, 向军, 苏胜, 江龙, 孙路石, 何立模. 用富氧燃烧锅炉高温烟气制取高热值生物质气化气的系统. 专利申请号:201510003058.6.
3. 国家发明专利:胡松, 周冲, 向军, 孙路石, 苏胜, 江龙, 徐博洋. 一种基于重油吸收的气化气焦油深度脱除系统. 专利申请号:201410723383.5.
4. 实用新型专利:胡松江龙孙路石向军苏胜许凯. 一种可移动一体化高密度生物质燃料制备系统,专利授权号:ZL 201120491929.0